Woodsmith Project

and social responsibility


The Woodsmith Project

As the polyhalite deposit is located within a national park, extensive measures have been taken to minimise the environmental impact on the natural surroundings.

To reduce any visual impact, mineshaft headframes have been sunk below ground and any aboveground buildings have been designed to look like agricultural barns with wood cladding. Further environmental considerations include strictly controlled working hours for surface operations to limit light impact, the implementation of full noise control measures, extensive air quality monitoring, and preservation of wildlife and ecology habitats.

Transporting the mined ore to Teeside via a 37 km underground conveyor belt system eliminates the need to congest local roads and rail infrastructure, thereby minimising the impact on local communities.

TC Supplies directly employs 450 staff on the project, 75% of which are local to Teesside. We have also prioritised the use of local construction partners and suppliers, creating many more jobs for the region.

Info Project

  • North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Square Feet
  • Based Upon Qualifications
Completion Date
  • 2018 - On Going
Project Component
  • Mining Services